Cobalt Blue Challenge Piece

Back in the winter of 2011 my friend and I went on the hunt for a few quilters that wanted to come together to challenge one another to grow as fiber artists.  Through the process, we each learned new techniques and ways of expressing that creativity.  The Creative Conglomeration – CC for short is still meeting and has grown not only in size but, in our ability to meet over great distances through Skype, an internet video medium.

The first challenge given by Creative Conglomeration was “Cobalt” and the following is my interpretation of the challenge.IMG_5033

After gridding my inspiration photo I began selecting fabrics to use. A view from above shows how I loosely interpreted the placement and petal shading.IMG_5084




In this picture it’s easy to see the petals are dimensional, that was achieved with fusible web between to pieces of cotton fabric.


Later, I used spray dye to achieve deeper shades and shadows on the petals.  Then, enjoyed thread play to show veining on the petals with a bit of twisted, dyed yarn and beading in the center of the flower.



All in all I think our group did an outstanding job with our first challenge.DSC_0229

10 Comments on “Cobalt Blue Challenge Piece”

    • Thank you SO much!! That’s very kind of you to say. 😀 I really enjoyed being part of this art quilt challenge group. Always nice to learn new things and be pushed to try new techniques. I bet you get some of that at the Haus of Yarn with your creative peeps. 🙂


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